Friday, August 14, 2009

Here and Now

Wow, it is already Friday. I had hoped to write everyday, but life is always moving. For most of us, much faster than we would like it to.

You will have to forgive me my rambling, but I don't think in a linear fashion. I always for a couple of voices talking at the same time in my head. So you, the reader, are going to have to piece some of this together, but I guess this is the fun of a blog. It is just a stream of thought.

I was planning of talking about the negatives of KYP, but let us get to the good stuff. KYP as I have spent some time thinking about it has morphed into the concept of where am I now, how did I get to this point, and where am I going? As I have explained I am a history teacher and am looking and interpreting the past everyday. One of my questions that I ask my students is, "Are individuals born great or does a situation make them great?" Think about your place in time? Are you great? Let's munch on that a discuss it some more tomorrow.

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